
Room 1 

13:40 - 14:40 


Talk (60 min)

Containers for dotnet developers

In this talk we are going to deep dive into how dotnet developers can use containers on their development life-cycle.


From preparing their local development environment, creating pipelines and deciding how to write your application to scale the cloud native way. Let's discuss about load balancer, GRPC, dotnet 6, Dapr, Keda, Serverless, Kubernetes and much more.

Jorge Arteiro

I am a Cloud Developer Advocate for Containers based in Melbourne/Australia with over 20 years in the tech industry. As former Microsoft MVP - Most Valued Professional, I developed my passion to help and sponsor the Community to get into the tech industry, to learn how to collaborate and share their own knowledge with others.
Since 2014, I have been involved on the Containers, Kubernetes, Azure, Devops and Open Source technologies space.
Full profile here: