
Room 3 

09:00 - 10:00 


Talk (60 min)

IP Allow lists suck: Secure your staging environments in a 0 trust network with Cloudflare workers

Protecting your staging environment with an IP address allow list is becoming more and more unrealistic in the age of remote working. Why would you require that your employees are on a VPN so that they can do their job? Why would you require that your partner companies employees all have to use a limited set of addresses?


Implementing a solution that allows access to staging in a zero trust environment is actually not all that hard at all. Once it’s in place you’ll be able to grand and revoke access to your staging environments on a per user basis.

In this talk I’ll take you through protecting your staging environment in a zero trust world using Cloudflare Workers and Auth0.

Klee Thomas

Klee is a Software Developer working at Atlassian and organiser of the Newcastle Coders Group.
He is an Agile, Clean Code and Craftsmanship advocate who loves to talk about what we can do to build better quality, maintainable software.
Outside of software development fan of Martial Arts, Neftlix and spending time with his wife and cats.