
Room 2 

10:30 - 11:30 


Talk (60 min)

Web APIs for delightful two factor auth experiences

It's a common practice to verify a phone number or implement two factor authentication by sending a one time password over SMS. We can all agree that it's a pretty terrible user experience though.


This process may increase security, but the friction can decrease conversion and the user experience in general. Android and iOS have APIs to combat this, so why not the web? In this talk we'll take a look at autocomplete and the WebOTP API to see how the web platform can help us build secure flows and a better experience all round.

Phil Nash

Phil is a developer relations engineer for DataStax and Google Developer Expert living in Melbourne, Australia. He loves working with JavaScript, TypeScript or Ruby to build web applications and tools to help developers. He once helped build a website that captured the world's favourite sandwich fillings. He has too many GitHub repositories.

Away from the keyboard, Phil listens to ska punk, hangs out with his miniature dachshund (also called Ruby), and is on a mission to discover the world's best beers.

Phil tweets at @philnash and you can find him elsewhere online at