
Room 2 

15:00 - 16:00 


Talk (60 min)

10 Tips to Rocking as an Azure Architect

Adam will share what you need to know to become a NASA rocket scientist…. Sorry, Azure Architect.


It is easy to sign into the Azure portal, click around and create a bunch of services. The aim is to avoid ClickOps wherever possible.

Developers love to follow best practices that help them build great enterprise software. As Cloud Architects working with Azure, we should include practices for how to design enterprise solutions well, choose the right services and be cognizant of your cloud spend.

Adam Cogan will walk through the 10 things you need to know to become a great Azure Cloud Architect.

Adam Cogan

Adam Cogan blogs at and interviews for frequently. He is the Chief Architect at SSW, a Microsoft Certified Gold Partner specializing in custom enterprise .NET and Azure solutions mostly using Angular and React. His solutions also involve Office365, SharePoint, Dynamics 365, and Power BI.

*Clients* - At SSW, Adam has been developing custom solutions for businesses across a range of industries such as Government, engineering, banking, insurance, and manufacturing since 1990 for clients such as Microsoft, CBA, and Aurecon.

*Scrum* - Adam is a Certified Scrum Trainer with, trains developers in Australia, the US, UK and Europe, and contributes to thinking. He consults with development teams on improving their scrum process through mentoring and being an SSW Solution Architect and Scrum Master. He has written many rules around Scrum best practices.

*China* - Adam has also run multiple consulting firms in China for the last 12 years. Adam has seen the whole Chinese software ecosystem develop and understand the differences that the Chinese market requires in order to be successful. Adam helps western companies modernize their software, so they are not only servicing the USA and European markets, but also grabbing a slice of the Chinese market of 1.4 billion consumers.

*Speaking* - In addition to being a Microsoft MVP in Azure DevOps, Adam is one of only 3 Microsoft Regional Directors in Australia. In this role, he regularly presents in conferences such as TechEd (USA, Australia, New Zealand, Europe and Malaysia). A couple of times a year, he visits Microsoft headquarters in Seattle to learn the latest on Microsoft strategic directions and to undertake training in development technologies. His favourite Microsoft teams that he loves to work with are Nat Friedman’s GitHub and Azure DevOps team, James Phillips’ Power BI team, and Jeff Teper’s SharePoint team.

*Software Architecture* - Adam enjoys working with teams, improving their usage of Scrum and DevOps, reviewing the architecture of large .NET and Azure projects, while also taking an active interest in the overall User Experience (UX). He is also the founder and a mentor of SSW’s FireBootCamp, an intensive 9-week .NET training course where developers are retrained learning developer and architecture best practices.