Room 3
16:20 - 17:20
Session (60 min)
When Software Meets Robotics: Building a Self-Driving R2D2!
"How hard can building a self-driving robot really be? I have Co-Pilot and ChatGPT, after all." The over-confident words of a cloud architect who is too sure of himself drastically overestimate his ability; what could go wrong?
In this session, we'll look at my "Autonomous-ish" R2D2 robot and all the things that went wrong, still don't work 100%, and things you can avoid doing next time you get a crazy Project Idea! We'll even see if he can drive around with releasing the magic black smoke!

Matthew Merriel
Matthew Merriel is a principal consultant at Mantel Group based in Melbourne and has been working with AWS since it's launch of the Sydney region back in 2012. He holds 11 AWS Certifications and is currently an organiser of the Melbourne AWS User Group and an AWS Community Builder