
Room 4 

15:00 - 16:00 

Session (60 min)

Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Third Party Integration?

They say in this world, nothing can be said to be certain except death and taxes. Well in my experience, in Software Development there is one thing that is certain - you will have to integrate with third party systems at some point.

Work skills

Most developers will agree that regardless of how much experience they have, every new integration presents a new set of challenges and complexities, often unknown or invisible at first. Since we can end up scarred by previous experiences, there is often a stage of immobilisation when faced with a new integration project.

With many integrations under my belt, I've reflected on those past experiences and tried to unpack what has gone right, what has gone wrong, and how those things could be avoided or improved on in the future. So now I share these thoughts with you, in a talk where I will discuss why integrations have ended up leaving us fearing the next, and how we can change our mindset to approach them with confidence and maybe even a little excitement. I will also share some tips and tricks that I have picked up along the way, and some of the tools that I have found to be invaluable in making the process smoother and more enjoyable.

Bron Thulke

Bron Thulke

Bron has been developing code since the turn of the century, and loves learning new tech. Her motto is "if you're not learning, you're not moving". Yes she just made that up, she is a programmer not a wordsmith. Bron is the CTO and Cofounder at YouLi Travel and is a Microsoft MVP.